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Administrative law

We defend the interests of our clients, among others, in the following matters: railway, national waters, tenders, disagreements, mining, concessions, expropriations, public, environmental, telecommunications, patents and trademarks, economic competition and urban development.

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Tax law

Our Firm wants to ensure prompt performance of its clients’ tax obligations, while maintaining optimal and legal tax efficiency as allowed by the applicable legal system, by synergizing our clients’ business plans and models with applicable tax regulations.

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Constitutional protection

We defend our clients against constitutional rights violations committed by authorities, as well as against laws and regulations that affect their individual rights and that may be considered unconstitutional.

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Corporate praxis

We support our clients in the drafting and negotiation of all sorts of commercial, civil and administrative agreements, which include the following: technical services and assistance, mercantile commissions, stock purchase agreements, share and asset purchases, sale purchase agreements (national and international), distribution and supply agreements, among others.

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Alternative dispute resolution methods have been consolidated, both in Mexico and internationally, as efficient forms of conflict resolution. The three main alternative methods are mediation, conciliation and arbitration.

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Pro Bono

We are a socially conscious Firm, and we therefore allocate a significant portion of our resources to pro bono work, in which we offer legal services free of charge or at a special rate to charitable organizations and projects in need of our services.

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Specialized boutique
law firm

RAMOS CASTILLO ABOGADOS, S.C., is a Law Firm dedicated to rendering highly specialized and personalized legal services in the areas of tax and administrative law.

We strive for excellent client service, seeking at all times to exceed their expectations and to solve their problems in a comprehensive manner, through the experience, optimal preparation and steadfast determination that sets us apart, all the while acting according to the strictest moral and ethical principles.

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