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José Pablo Ramos Castillo

  • Marital status. Married.
  • Nationality. Mexican.
  • Address. Aldous Huxley 5191, Colonia Jardines Universidad, C.P. 45110, Zapopan, Jalisco.
  • “Ramos & Hermosillo Abogados, S.C.” Law Firm. Guadalajara, Jalisco, México. 2011 - present. Founding partnerheading the administrative, tax, foreign trade and customs litigation practice, as well as the alternative means fordispute resolution division (primarily, arbitration).
  • “Gómez Arnaiz Abogados S.C.” Law Firm. Guadalajara, Jalisco, México. 2008 to 2011. Associate; tax,administrative, foreign trade and customs litigation, as well as alternative means for dispute resolution (primarily,arbitration).
  • “RRS Consultores Legales” Law Firm. (Currently, Ramos Ripoll & Schuster Abogados). Guadalajara, Jalisco, México.2006 to 2007. Intern; Civil, family and business litigation, and corporate counsel division.
  • “Instituto de Enseñanza Práctica del Derecho”. Guadalajara, Jalisco, México. 2005 - 2007. Teaching assistant;promotion and advertising director.
  • Graduate Course in Administrative Law, Universidad Panamericana, Guadalajara Campus. Honorable Mentionand highest grade average in the class (98 average). Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. 2012.
  • Philosophy Seminar; Universidad Panamericana, Guadalajara Campus. Guadalajara Campus. Honorable Mentionand highest grade average in the class (99 average). Guadalajara, Jalisco, México. 2012.
  • Graduate Course in Law of Obligations and Contract Law, Universidad Panamericana, Guadalajara Campus.Guadalajara Campus. Honorable Mention and highest grade average in the class (97 average). Guadalajara,Jalisco, México. 2010-2011.
  • Legal Research Seminar; Universidad Panamericana, Guadalajara Campus. Honorable Mention and highestgrade average in the class (97 average). Guadalajara, Jalisco, México. 2011.
  • Law Degree, Universidad Panamericana, Guadalajara Campus. Honorable Mention and highest grade average inthe Class of 2010 (98 average). Guadalajara, Jalisco, México. 2005-2010.
  • Semester Exchange Program, Suffolk University/Law School, Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America,2007.
  • Conference. “Infrastructure and Construction: Most Common Disputes and Conflict Resolution Mechanisms”.Organized by the Arbitration Commission of the International Chamber of Commerce Mexico. 2014.
  • Seminar. “Analyzing the New Amparo (Constitutional Relief) Law”. Organized by the Mexican Bar Association.May 2013.
  • Forum. “Tax Reform. Scope and Perspectives”. Organized by Universidad Panamericana, Guadalajara Campus.2013.
  • Conference. “New Implementation of the ICC Rules of Dispute Resolution”. Organized by the ArbitrationCommission of the International Chamber of Commerce Mexico. 2013.
  • Conference. “Application of the ICC Arbitration Rules: Multiparty Arbitration and Multiple Contracts”. Organizedby the Arbitration Commission of the International Chamber of Commerce Mexico. 2012.
  • Conference. “The New Arbitration Rules of the International Chamber of Commerce”. Organized by the ArbitrationCommission of the International Chamber of Commerce Mexico. 2012.
  • Seminar. “Enforcement of Arbitration Awards and Amparo Proceedings (Constitutional Relief)”. Organized by theMexican Arbitration Center, the Mexican Supreme Court of Justice and the Superior Court of the Federal District.2011.
  • Seminar. “Online Trials and Summary Proceedings”. Organized by the Legal Culture Center of the State of Jaliscoand the Western Higher Studies and Technological Institute (Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores deOccidente, ITESO). 2011
  • Seminar. “Summary Proceedings and On Line Trials in Tax Matters – Constitutional, Procedural and TechnicalIssues”. Organized by the Mexican Bar Association, Jalisco Chapter. 2011
  • Certification Course. “Constitutional Law and Amparo (Constitutional Relief)”. Organized by the University ofGuadalajara and the Judicial Power of the State of Jalisco. 2011-present.
  • Seminar. “Arbitration in Government Procurement Processes”. Organized by the Mexican Arbitration Center(CAM) and the Economic Research and Teaching (Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económica, CIDE). 2011
  • Conference Cycle. “Administrative Institutions and the Judicature: Two Essential Components for the Developmentof Commercial Arbitration in Jalisco”. Organized by the Mexican Bar Association, Jalisco Chapter; the Mediationand Arbitration Center of the National Chamber of Commerce (CANACO); the International Center of DisputeResolution (ICDR); and a Universidad Panamericana, Guadalajara Campus. 2011.
  • Conference. “Novelty Grievances”. Organized by Universidad UTEGRA (advanced studies center). 2011.
  • Course. “Course for Arbitrators in Arbitrations involving Lesser Amounts (ABC)”. Organized by the Mediationand Arbitration Center (Centro de Mediación y Arbitration), CANACO and the Legal Services Association of theMexican Bar Association. 2009
  • Congress. “First International Tax Lawyers Congress”. Organized by Defensa Fiscal magazine. 2009.
  • Conferences. “Law Sessions”. Organized by Universidad Panamericana, Guadalajara Campus and the MexicanBar Association, Jalisco Chapter. 2009.
  • Specialization Course. “Commercial Procedural Practice”. Organized by the Law Practice Teaching Institute(Instituto de Enseñanza Práctica del Derecho) and Coparmex (Mexican Employers’ Federation), Jalisco. 2007.
  • Congress. “International Congress on Oral Trials 2007”. Organized by Universidad Panamericana, Law PracticeTeaching Institute, Proderecho and USAID. 2007.
  • Specialization Course. “Amparo Proceedings Practice”. Organized by the Law Practice Teaching Institute. 2006.
  • Congress. “International Law Congress IEPRADE – CONCAAM 2006”. Organized by the Law Practice TeachingInstitute, National Confederation of Law Colleges and Lawyer Associations, sponsored by Coparmex, Jalisco,Guadalajara Chamber of Commerce, University of Guadalajara, Universidad Panamericana, UniversidadTecnológica de México, Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Occidente (ITESO), Instituto Tecnológicode Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (TEC de Monterrey). 2006.
  • Conference Cycle. “Jurisprudence”. Organized by Universidad Panamericana and the Law Practice TeachingInstitute. 2006.
  • Specialization Course. “Civil Procedural Practice”. Organized by the Law Practice Teaching Institute. 2006.DISTINCTIONS AND AWARDS
  • Team Coach, Eleventh “Interuniversity International Commercial Arbitration Moot” representing UniversidadPanamericana, Guadalajara Campus . Organized by the Mexican Arbitration Center and the Mexican Bar, amongothers. 2011-2012.
  • Award granted by the Jalisco State Congress’ Justice Commission, for serving as the coach of the team thatwon first place in the Tenth “Interuniversity International Commercial Arbitration Moot” representing UniversidadPanamericana, Guadalajara Campus . 2011.
  • Team Coach of the team that won first place in the Tenth “Interuniversity International Commercial ArbitrationMoot” representing Universidad Panamericana, Guadalajara Campus. Organized by the Mexican ArbitrationCenter and the Mexican Bar, among others. 2010-2011.
  • First place, Ninth “Interuniversity International Commercial Arbitration Moot” representing UniversidadPanamericana, Guadalajara Campus. Organized by the Mexican Arbitration Center and the Mexican Bar, amongothers. 2009-2010
  • Recognition for participation in the Sixteenth “Annual Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot”.
  • First Place, “Second Latin American International Commercial Arbitration Premoot”. Organized by UniversidadPanamericana, Mexico City Campus, Mexican Autonomous Institute (Instituto Autónomo de México) and theGoodrich-Riquelme y Asociados Law Firm. 2009. Mexico City, Federal District.
  • Third Place, “USD Thorsnes International Commercial Arbitration Pre-Moot Moot”. Organized by the University ofSan Diego. 2009. San Diego, California, USA.
  • Professor. “Bankruptcy Proceedings” course at the Executive Specialization Institute (Instituto de Especializaciónpara Ejecutivos). 2013.
  • Speaker. Invited by the Executive Specialization Institute to speak on the topic of “International Arbitration andNegotiations”. 2013.
  • Speaker. Invited by the Commission for the Study and Practice of Constitutional Law and Amparo Proceedingsof the Mexican Bar Association, Jalisco Chapter, to discuss several topics, including, “Administrative AmparoProceedings”. 2013.
  • Speaker. Invited by the Arbitration Commission of the Mexican Bar Association, Jalisco Chapter, to discussseveral topics, including, “Applicable Law for arbitration proceedings”. 2011.
  • Speaker. Invited by the Tax Law Commission of the Mexican Bar Association, Jalisco Chapter, to discuss severaltopics, including, “Comprehensive Tax Reform”. 2010.
  • Associate Professor. “Commercial Procedural Law” and “Tax Law” courses at the Instituto Tecnológico deEstudios Superiores de Occidente (ITESO). 2010-2011.
  • Professor. “Tax Law and Taxes” and “Labor Law and Social Security” Masters Program courses at UniversidadUTEGRA (advanced studies center). 2011.
  • Adaptor. “Commentary on the UN Convention on the International Sale of Goods (CISG), Peter Schlechtriem &Ingeborg Schwenzer”. Adaptor for Latin America of article 3 of the book “Commentary on the UN Convention onthe International Sale of Goods (CISG)” by Peter Schlechtriem & Ingeborg Schwenzer. The completed work willbe published by Editorial Thomson-Aranzadi Publishers and sponsored by Grupo Bomchil. 2009.
  • Coordinator of the Commission for the Study and Practice of Constitutional Law and Amparo Proceedings of theMexican Bar Association, Jalisco Chapter, 2014.
  • Coordinator of the Continuing Education in Law Group, of the Arbitration Committee of the Mexican BarAssociation, Jalisco Chapter, A.C., 2010 to 2012.
  • Member. Mexican Bar Association A.C., 2012 to date.
  • Member. Bar Member Candidate Section, Mexican Bar Association A.C., 2009 to 2012.
  • Member. List of Certified Arbitrators for lower amount arbitration proceedings (Arbitrations ABC) of the Mediationand Arbitration Center CANACO. 2009 to date.
  • Member. “Latin American Law Student Association (LALSA)”, Suffolk University/Law School, Boston,Massachusetts, USA, 2007.
  • Member. “Student Committee, ‘Diego Valadés’ Chapter, Mexican Bar, Mexico-United States, Jalisco Chapter”.2006 to 2008.
  • Spanish: Mother Tongue; English: 90% written, 90% spoken.

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